NAGARA Scholarship Program


Voluntary Donation for NAGARA's 2024 Scholarship Program (which funds our Internship Program and Annual Conference Travel Awards).

As the year comes to a close, we at NAGARA are filled with gratitude for the unwavering support of members like you. Your dedication to our association and mission has allowed us to make meaningful strides in supporting our members and helping the next generation of archives and records professionals through our Scholarship Program.

This year, we are excited to share some wonderful news: an anonymous benefactor has generously offered to match all end-of-year donations, dollar-for-dollar, up to $2,500.00! This incredible gesture means that every dollar you contribute will have twice the impact, allowing us to do even more for our membership community.

By donating to NAGARA, you are directly bolstering our Scholarship Program, which comprises two vital initiatives:

  • The Internship Program, which provides a $3,000 stipend to a student interning at one of our member organizations.
  • The Annual Conference Travel Scholarships, covering the cost of registration, travel, and lodging for first-time conference attendees.

Your support enables us to offer even more scholarships to members in need, ensuring that the Annual Conference remains accessible to those perusing valuable professional development. 

Every donation, regardless of size, makes a difference. Even a modest gift of $5.00, the equivalent of a small coffee and a doughnut, can be a catalyst for positive change.

Imagine the collective impact if each of NAGARA's 1,800 members gave just $5.00. That would add up to $9,000.00! With the generous $2,5000.00 match from our anonymous benefactor, we could provide $11,500.00 in funding for the Internship Program and several Annual Conference Travel Scholarships.

This season of giving, I kindly invite you to join us in making a difference. Thank you for considering this meaningful investment in our community. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

With warm regards,

Johnny Hadlock
Executive Director