2023 Winter Online Forum:
Fixing the Leaks & Patching the Holes:
Filling up your Archives & Records Management Toolbet

As archivists, records, and information managers, we all know the importance of having a strong set of tools in our toolbelt to ensure that we can effectively and efficiently manage our institution’s records.

NAGARA’s 2023 Winter Online Forum featured a lineup of expert speakers and practitioners who provided practical insights and real-world examples to help attendees develop the fundamental tools each should have in their toolkit to be successful.

Registrants of this event and active members of NAGARA enjoy complimentary access to these recordings.
Non-members my purchase access to the recordings for $149.00. Please e-mail [email protected] for more information.

Session 1

Click to enter SESSION 1"Six Essential Project Management Concepts for Information Managers"

Session 2A

Click to enter SESSION 2A"Participatory Archiving: Skills and Tools for Building Inclusive and Diverse Archival Collections"

Session 2/4B

Click to enter SESSION 2/4B"E-Record Preservation Made Easy: A 6-Step Plan to Overcome Being Overwhelmed"

Session 2/4C

Click to enter SESSION 2/4C"The Big Potential of AI/ML for Records Management"

Session 2/4D

Click to enter SESSION 2/4D"Choosing Technology to Fill the Holes in Your Public Records Request Process"

Session 2/4E

Click to enter SESSION 2/4E"Troll Patrol: Staying Ahead of Vexatious Requesters and Social Media Trolls"

Session 3

Click to enter SESSION 3"Does Everyone Know What Time It Is? Tool Time! Finding The Right Tools When It Comes to Government Contract Negotiations and Compliance"

Session 4A

Click to enter SESSION 4A"Budgeting 101: Plugging the Financial Leaks in Your Records Management Toolbelt"

Session 5

Click to enter SESSION 5"Plugging the Gaps: Strategies for Collaborating with IT"